The collector   de

name: Becker
first name: Arnold
Berlin, Germany
date of birth: 1936

e-mail: arnold “at”
(not linked because of spam)


Call me Arnold

I was born, like my Austrian namesake, in a small village, but 500 miles farther west.

At twenty I went to Berlin to study. I fell in love, stayed, married and became a teacher.

At first I collected rare books, but soon found out that this was going to be pretty expensive. I got hooked on pressed glass when a friend of mine began writing his doctoral thesis on this matter. And so for more than twenty five years I have been collecting pressed glass. Luckily I began when it was still pimarily a flea market  commodity and you could bring down the price of a Vallérysthal plate from one mark to fifty pfennig. Hen covered dishes and footed bowls, however, may have cost 50 marks!

After my retirement I began to put some order in my collection and on the following "pages" you may see the preliminary result – it's "but  a draught -, nay, but the draught of a draught. Oh, Time, Strength, Cash, and Patience!"


© Copyright 2001-2009 Simon Becker.  All rights reserved. Last update  Januar 10, 2009